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Digital marketing is all about bringing the right audience to your brand. We can help you plan your digital marketing with our wide range of services. We will advice and design the right strategy for you to bring your brand into the right direction, create value to your audience, and convert audience to customers. Contact Us today to start discussion.

Throughout years of managing digital marketing for different industries, we realize that content marketing and omnichannel play a vital role in creating buying intend within your audience. The concept is simple- the more people know about you, the more easily your information can be access, the more opportunity your business will get.

In our honest opinion, website is vital for your brand to grow. We always take website as your heart of database- where information is shared and visitors database is gathered. Website build trust and put your brand as part of the solutions supplier for a broad audience. Find out more in article we wrote about why website is important in our blog.

Digital advertising is a paid strategy to boost your brand to highly targeted audience that will learn and take your service. Paid ads have different channel most famously use within Google PPC, Facebook, Instagram & Tiktok.

PPC stands for Pay-Per-Click where you are charged only by the click. Advertising in Google could be very rewarding for your business and a much better strategy compare to search engine optimization (SEO) where it could take very long time for your brand to appear organically in search engine.

Data analytic is a marketing tool to understand audience behavior and create highly targeted audience avatar, creating retargeting ads based on the data you have, and build brand within the audience's interest  More things could also be explore when you have data as you build and grow your brand. We can help you utilize data and explore new possibility together.

Marketing is all about exploring opportunity. It takes time to eventually see results that you would want. The biggest risk of doing marketing is when you stop too early or stopping it forever. Every business need marketing planning to grow and without one, the risk of losing is bigger then the risk of not planning your marketing strategy at all.

Give it time. We always advise our client that we are dealing with human emotion. Trust and emotion is vital to create engaging ads campaign. Over time, you will build audience warm enough to know about your brand, interact, and eventually becoming repeatable consumers.

Trust the process. The best ads campaign require not just the ads itself, but also the quality of your contents, your website, and your customer service dealing with prospect. We design campaign that is highly successful & coach our clients' sales team to better equipped themselves on how to sell effectively. We work on building lasting relationship with clients. Talk to us and let us help you build successful ads. 

We create engaging campaign by doing in-depth research about your business and your industry. Doing so, we are able to understand how well is your business compare to your competitors, the key values of your brand, and opportunities we can tap to excel in your industry. Contact us for a free 30-minutes brand exploration consultation with our expert free of charge.

The key metrics in identifying your ads success are cost per click, engagement rate, creative quality, clickthrough rate, return of ads spend and conversion value. If it sounds too technical, we can help explain in details by contacting us and explore your brand objective together.

We always advise our client to at least give your campaign a minimal of three month. The reason is because on the first month we will be doing a lot of testing to understand audience and warming them up to let your business more recognizable. We then start to funnel audience into buying intend by optimizing your ads to find the right audience and showing them creative that is highly relatable for their needs. As we said previously we are dealing with human and it takes time for people to eventually want to connect with your business. Trust the process.

A/B testing is a method to test 2 different ad sets. This is to give better insight about what work and what not. Example of A/B testing could be about creative, age, gender, location, and so much more. This is why we have said early that advertising success takes time. But as we keep on optimizing your campaign, you will start seeing highly engaging result that will bring great return of investment in your marketing campaign.

Retargeting is frequently use to fetch audience that have interacted with your campaign previously and feeding them with other creative to increase buying intend. It's mostly used in the funnel system to warm up your audience and bring them into a sales journey. Retargeting could also be use to find lookalike audience similar with audience that engage with your business and let the algorithm to find people with similar interest. We have done many retargeting campaign and saw great result in our client ads campaign. Talk to us if you want to create highly engaging ads campaign as well.

Facebook pixel is a system build by Meta and used to track audience that have interact with your business and use the data to further create highly engaging ads campaign such as retargeting and lookalike. Facebook pixel require you to have a website to install the pixel in and feed the data to facebook. We can help setup pixel for your website and run your ads campaign. Get in touch with us today.

Landing page is used mainly as an introduction to your brand, to give highly detailed information and generate new leads while sales page is used to introduce product sold by your brand, create buying intend, and selling product via ecommerce system.

Google analytic is a system to gather data, create statistic, and information about your visitor in your website. It is commonly used to create retargeting ads within Google environment, but also to learn more about your visitors, optimize your website, and build brand based on the behavior of your audience.

Omnichannel marketing is the integration and cooperation between different ads tool to create highly engaging and powerful marketing campaign. One scenario is where people search for solution and your website appear in the search engine, we then able to target the same audience in Facebook, TikTok (and more!)- giving them more information and eventually create high buying intend. Omnichannel is a very powerful strategy that will put your brand in the eyes of your highly targeted audience and feed them with more ads to promote your brand further along the way for a very long time.

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