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Increase Your Website Impression 8X & Say NO Bad Design

Website Impressions is Everything! Here’s what good design can do for your business.

A website impression is important for business marketing campaign. Imagine having a shop but without the proper design and decorations. How will you attract people to enjoy the shopping experience whilst in your store? This is the same for your website, it is your company’s forefront on the online digital space. It is a representation and a voice of your brand in the digital world. Take it seriously now, for it will change how people will perceived your business. Read this blog and I assure you will gain something very useful to build your brand better!

Be it your website, logo, or marketing materials. Website impression plays an important role in branding and promoting your business.

Your company’s website and logo design should be seamless across different channel. This will make a good website impression on audiences and make your brand easy to remember. Thus, always consider the visual appeal and ease of navigation for a great user experience.

Your brand’s website communicates to potential customers about your business and what you offer. This is why web design is a very powerful marketing tool. Hence, spending time and investment into a well-built website is important. It will help set the tone and expectation of your branding.

Case Study Example

Let’s take an example of a pen company. The pen must tell the audience why “My Pen” is the solutions for your writing needs. It will then explain further how the pen will make it easy for you to write. Lastly, the website need to guide where to purchase the pen. 

Do you get what I’m trying to tell here? If yes, than good! Let’s read further to get more knowledge about why your website impression is everything. By the end of the day, I hope you will learn something out from this blog.

website impression

Why website design matters?

An average person takes 2.6 seconds to focus on a specific element of a webpage when it loads. This is why the first paint of a website creative must be able to create a good first time website impression. Therefore, user-friendly design that is easy for the eyes will influence users opinions.

What to consider when designing a website?

Here are a few tips from the experts we have gathered on creating your website impression:

1. Validity

“People have feelings about your company based on the experiences they had with a brand,” Marin said. Therefore, a well-designed website will validate confidence. This is why company must be willing to focus on creating a clean and functional design that is easy to use. Furthermore, it is important to portray your brand similar across different channels. So use similar theme in your social channels and your website to create your business identity.

2. First Impression

Good design helps to communicate your information fluidly. It cut through the boring part, and make information flow smoothly to readers. This is why effective design and messaging work coherently to convey the value of your business. But most importantly creates legit and memorable message.

3. Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Writing blogs and validate your website through backlinks from other websites are important. Not just that it creates validity but also trust to readers. Therefore, try to improve your SEO by blogging (just like what we’re doing!). It will make your visitors want to keep coming into your website and explore more things from you.

4. Consistency

When it comes to design flow, consistency in your information plays a big part. This is because it will help visitors to slowly embrace your information. website impression that keeps changing design is confusing. So stick to one theme design across your website. This will ease your visitors from brain-tired going through your website. 

Consistent in design showcase your brand identity. It’s is all abut story-telling of your brand and being consistent plays a vital role in branding. Thus the projection of your brand (logo, concept, color grading and copywriting style) is very important. Always be consistent across different channels and not just in your website.

website impression
5. Simplicity

Be consistent, and simplified the design. Your website impression should be simple in every concept throughout different pages. It can be your image, posting, writing, color grading and more. Simplified design makes it easier for users to remember and understand your messages. This eventually will create consistent set of tone for your brand. 

Think on how to arrange information your users need step by step. Then, arrange the information from introduction all the way to your offers. Finally, create a simplified call-to-action. Make it visible so users are able to proceed to the next stage you will love- SALES!

6. Call-To-Action (CTA)

Call-To-Action button helps guide the visitor on your website on where to go to next. It will then create valuable action your business want from the users. Furthermore, CTAs works best when you have a well structured design to guide and funnel your visitors into your main goal. This could be your form, appointment, your shop or contact button

The Conclussion

From exploring your brand to eventually buying from you. Your website impression must be able to create emotional connection with users. Great website impression will create great impact on visitors experience. 

As for us, we take all of these factors seriously when designing a website. It’s not a matter of “having” a website, but creating a website that works! Eventually, it must be able to connect your brand efficiently to your audience on emotional level. 

Website plays a vital role in digital marketing. Because of that, great website is always important. It will overcome the hurdle of projecting your brand to bigger audience way easier. If you are looking for a web designer then look no further. We will create awesome website for you with marketing-first point of view. 

Check our our Web Design Service today!

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