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57-GF, Persiaran Setia Utama, Setia Alam, Selangor

Oxwise Sdn Bhd


Oxwise Group Spend 4mil In New Factory After Getting Stable Revenue From FB Ads

We share some of our clients’ successes as an inspiration for your business. Let’s talk and build your business together with the help of digital marketing expert- NetSeller

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Oxwise Group (M) Sdn Bhd

Oxwise is not new in textile industry, having numerous numbers of corporate clients such as Lazada, Shoppee, MAS Airline and more. Oxwise wishes to expand their products and provide more specialize work in textile industry such as shirts supplier, DTF, Sublimation, embroidery and many more.

Oxwise came to us asking assistance to coach and train sales team to better produce high quality sales relationship with prospect, bring more agents signup, create engaging social media posting and expand their market reach with sublimation printing. Within the first 2 months, Oxwise manage to lock 200 agents, product 200k shirts printed and get more brand awareness via Facebook Ads and content marketing.

It is such an awesome experience working with Oxwise. We are planning to have long-relationship business goals together to help Oxwise scale and become market leader.

  • Brand Strategy, Sales Coaching, FB Ads, Social Media Manager
  • Oxwise Group
  • 18/7/2022
  • www.oxwise.com

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Selangor, Malaysia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)

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